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Discover a complete service experience that spans plumbing repairs, heating solutions, indoor air quality enhancements, and commercial project excellence.

Garage Heater - Westland HVAC + Plumbing

How Do Air Purifiers Improve Your Air Conditioning?

Here in Westlake, OH, we have more than high temperatures to worry about. Humidity levels can become unbearable in the summer, while dust, pollen and other troublesome materials can wreak havoc with our indoor comfort levels.

How Do Humidity Levels Affect Home Comfort?

We live in Westlake, OH, which means our summers are hot and humid and our winters are cold and dry. Humidity levels – both high and low – play a huge role in our comfort levels, and can be as important as temperature control when establishing a comfortable household.

How Do Air Filtration Systems Help My Home?

We live in Westlake, OH, with hot and muggy summers and freezing cold winters. That places a lot of emphasis on temperature control in your home, and to be sure, air conditioners and heaters are vital parts of your household.

How Do UV Germicidal Lights Help My Home?

It sounds irrational at first. “UV lights? They kind they use at rock concerts to make people’s t-shirts glow in the dark? How can that possibly help my home?”

Aeroseal Duct Sealing - Westland HVAC + Plumbing

Health Issues a Humidifier Can Help With

People often associate high humidity with an uncomfortable environment. There’s no doubt that when the moisture level is too high in a home that it will cause discomfort and end up placing additional strain on the AC. However, the opposite problem, low humidity, can also create severe issues.

Isn’t the Air Filter in my HVAC System Enough for Clean Air?

When it comes to the job of keeping unhealthy particles from circulating through a home, one of the best options is to have mechanical air filters professionally installed into the HVAC system. Mechanical filters require no power to operate; they capture pollutants down to 0.3 microns in size (which includes dust, pollen, dander, dust mites, and lint that can fill your air) in a mesh of fibers.

Why Low Humidity Can Be a Problem for Your Home

Low humidity can cause problems for you and your HVAC system. When the air inside your home is too dry, your home can sustain damage and your health can be compromised. One of the best ways to battle dry air is by installing a whole-home humidifier in Bay Village.


What MERV Means and Why It’s Important

Your indoor comfort isn’t just about temperature; it’s also about the quality of the air you breathe. If you are experiencing issues with your indoor air quality, you can improve it with the addition of an air filtration system in Avon.

Isn’t the Air Filter in My HVAC System Enough to Clean the Air?

Your air conditioner comes with a standard air filter, but its job isn’t to improve your indoor air; rather, it is there to reduce the amount of dirt and dust in your system. To improve your indoor air quality, you’ll want to consider installing a whole-home air filtration system in your Westlake home.

indoor air quality

Pollutants That Air Filtration Will Remove

An unfortunate side-effect of the modern energy-efficient home is that the heat sealing on the home prevents the circulation of fresh outdoor air. This results in a buildup of pollutants inside the home that cannot escape but instead continue to move about the house.

Commercial Plumbing - Westland HVAC + Plumbing

Problems Solved by a Whole-House Humidifier

Here in Bay Village, humidifier systems serve as an easy means to keep your moisture levels where they need to be. Generally speaking, relative humidity levels need to be between 30% and 50% for us to feel at ease. When they drop below that, trouble can arise.