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Isn’t the Air Filter in my HVAC System Enough for Clean Air?

When it comes to the job of keeping unhealthy particles from circulating through a home, one of the best options is to have mechanical air filters professionally installed into the HVAC system. Mechanical filters require no power to operate; they capture pollutants down to 0.3 microns in size (which includes dust, pollen, dander, dust mites, and lint that can fill your air) in a mesh of fibers. You can call on the indoor air quality specialists at Westland Heating and Air Conditioning if you are interested in installing air filtration in Avon, OH for your home. Our technicians will see that you receive the best filter type to match your HVAC system and remove the airborne particles that are affecting your home.

But doesn’t my air conditioner/heater already have an air filter?

Well, it should. (If it doesn’t, give us a call right away and we will help fix that.) This filter is an important part of the operating of an AC and a forced-air heater such as a furnace. The filter is part of the return air vents that bring air from the rooms of the house into the HVAC system where it is heated or cooled. The filter prevents contamination from the inside of the house from entering and damaging the components of the air conditioner and/or heater. This filter needs to have regular changing or cleaning to make sure that it doesn’t clog up the airflow into the HVAC system and lead to inefficient performance.

This filter isn’t enough to clean the air you breathe

The air filter for an air conditioner and heater is not designed to remove airborne contaminants from the air moving around your home. It does some good, but not enough. If you are experiencing low quality air right now, chances are high that your HVAC system has an air filter in it—and it clearly isn’t taking care of the job.

The air filters that will keep contaminating particles from polluting your air are specifically designed with your health and comfort in mind. If matched correctly to your HVAC system and installed by professionals, they can remove more than 99% of the unwanted particles attempting to move through them without negatively affecting the airflow from the system.

Our team at Westland Heating and Air Conditioning is dedicated to finding the right air filtration systems for our customers. If you want excellent air filtration in Avon, OH, give us a call.

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