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Happy 4th of July!

In the history of the United States, there are few days that hold such high importance as the 4th of July. We all remember baseball games, hot dogs, fireworks, ceremonies, patriotic music, and barbecues throughout the years as weโ€™ve celebrated this special day. But we can quickly forget what our Independence Day is really about.

On this day in 1776, the second Continental Congress voted to approve the Declaration of Independence which was a written explanation of why America must be free from Great Britain. The legal separation of the two countries actually occurred on July 2, but Americans have celebrated on the 4th because that was the date on the much-publicized Declaration.

So whether you go to a ball game, watch the fireworks with family, barbecue some burgers or hoist a cold one with your friends, make sure that you take a moment to remember the sacrifice that many women and men made over 200 years ago to ensure the freedom that we cherish today.

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