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Signs of Trouble with Your Water Heater

We recommend regular maintenance for your water heater here in Bay Village, OH, in part because problems with it don’t tend to arise until it’s far too late. We rarely notice our water heaters, since they usually operate silently and are often tucked away in the basement or another part of the home that we don’t visit every day. By the time you spot signs of trouble, the problem may be very serious indeed. That makes it all the more important to be able to notice the early signals and summon a trained plumber to address them right away. They could spell the difference between a comparatively simple water heater repair jobย and a very costly one.

  • Strange Noises. Sediment in the tank can create an odd gurgling noise, while trouble with the gas or the pipes could create a humming sound. If a part inside is broken or misaligned, it may thump gently against the side of the tank. Any sound that you don’t normally associate with your water heater should be cause for concern.
  • Rusty Water. Rust-colored or dirt-colored water are signs of a contaminant in the system, usually rust from a part that needs to be replaced.
  • Lack of Hot Water. The aforementioned sediment can serve as an insulating barrier between the heat source and the water it needs to heat. There also may be a problem with the pipes bringing water into the pipe, or the dip tube, which sends cold water to the bottom of the tank.
  • Puddles. A breach in the side of the water heater can sometimes seal shut when the water is cool. But it opens when the water is hot, leading to mysterious puddles forming around the base of the heater.

For water heater repairs of all varieties, call on Westland Heating and Air!

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