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Protect Your Home with a UV Germicidal Light

By staying inside more these days, it’s become increasingly apparent to so many of us that indoor air quality is of the utmost importance. Keeping your air fresh, clean, and odorless is vital when you’re working from home or just trying to enjoy yourself.

That’s why investing in a germicidal UV light air purifier can be a great solution for homeowners who are starting to pay more attention to their indoor air quality. Keeping yourself safe from bacteria, viruses, and mold spores is one of the highest priorities you should have—and these types of technology are tested and proven to help air remain clean.

Still unconvinced? Below we’ve outlined some of the benefits that this type of system can produce. UV germicidal lights in Westlake are available to homeowners who want them, and we’d like to make the case that it could help you and your home.

How It Works

A UV light air purifier works by using ultraviolet radiation to eliminate harmful particles in the air. This light is mounted in your air ducts, far away from where you are, and produces radiation from the ultraviolet light. For bacteria, viruses, mold particles, and other harmful microorganisms, this ultraviolet light inhibits the organisms’ ability to reproduce, essentially rendering them harmless. By doing this, you’re ensuring that the air processed through the air vents remains clean and safe.

So if you’re ever wondering why you just can’t shake this nasty cough, or why your asthmatic friend always has a tough time breathing the air in your home when they come over, it could be from a lack of treatment in your indoor air quality. An ultraviolet air purifier could help!

Benefits of an Air Purifier

Looking to see what you can get out of an air purifier? Well, let’s talk about exactly how these systems help you and what they’ll be able to do.

  • Removal of harmful particles. You’d be surprised by how many harmful particles exist in your indoor air. It’s not your fault: our homes are sealed up tightly to keep the conditioned air inside. That means that these particles can get stuck within your walls for days or weeks so you’re constantly exposed to them. By eliminating them, you’re reducing the harmful effect they’ll have on you and your family.
  • Removal of odors. Particles like bacteria and mold carry with them odors that most homeowners don’t like having in their homes. With an ultraviolet air purifier, those odors can be eliminated and a home can be made odor-free!
  • Out of sight, out of mind. If you’re worried about having some complex machinery being installed, don’t be. A UV air purifier is out of sight and out of mind, being placed in your air ducts.
  • Working together. UV air purifiers work together with your air conditioner or heating system to clean the air that is treated. These systems all work together to make your house cleaner and more efficient.

If a cleaner, safer, and healthier home sounds like a good idea to you, it might be time to invest in a UV air purifier!

Call the team at Westland Heating & Air Conditioning for air purifier installation today!

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