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Rocky River Heating Replacement Guide

When you have to replace your heating system in Rocky River, there are a lot of different factors that you have to keep in mind. We’ve put together a list of some of the most important things to remember:


The efficiency rating of your new heating system will impact the future cost of running your heating system. Newer models tend to have a higher efficiency rating than older models. But among the types of newer systems, the efficiency rating can vary. An average new furnace will probably have an annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating of 80%. The more most efficient ones can have as high as 95% AFUE. However, geothermal heating systems and some heat pumps can have a 100% or higher efficiency rating. This is obviously very attractive to homeowners who are looking to save money on their utility bills.


Another thing to think about is what kind of fuel youโ€™ll be using for your heating system. Energy prices arenโ€™t coming down and people are looking for all kinds of ways to save their money. Depending upon where you live, the price of electricity, propane, oil and other fuels can vary. Prices fluctuate all the time. For people who have the space, the money and are tired of depending upon fuel supply companies, geothermal systems can be a great option. This system uses the renewable energy stored in the earth to heat and cool their home. However, the installation cost of this kind of system can be prohibitive to some people. Also, a geothermal system needs a certain amount of available ground space in order to be effective.

If you have any questions about replacing your heating system or if youโ€™d like one of our Rocky Riverย heating experts to visit your home, then just call Westland Heating and Air Conditioningย today.

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