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Itโ€™s Time for Furnace Replacement If…ย ย ย 

old-furnaceDeciding whether to stick with your current furnace or replace it with a new one is always a complicated decision, but itโ€™s one you have to make if you want to keep your expenses low. A worn-out furnace isnโ€™t just less efficientโ€”itโ€™s likely outdated in terms of efficiency.

So on one hand, you donโ€™t want to fall victim to โ€œshiny object syndromeโ€ and get a new furnace too early just because it sounds really awesome. But on the other hand, a closer look at your furnaceโ€™s behavior might show youโ€™re completely justified in replacing it if…

You think itโ€™s time for replacement

Donโ€™t underestimate your intuition. You donโ€™t have to be a licensed and certified HVAC contractor just to know that your heater isnโ€™t working the way it used to. Of course, when that does happen, you might be asking yourself โ€œDid it always perform this wayโ€ฆ?โ€ In that case, you can refer to the rest of the items on this list to confirm your suspicions, or you can call up an expert of furnaces in Bay Village, OH for their opinion.

Itโ€™s old enough to get a driverโ€™s license

A modern-day furnace has a life expectancy of about 16 to 20 years. If your furnace isnโ€™t so modern, you can shave off about five years and expect a solid 15 years of performance.

But thereโ€™s one disclaimer we have to include: age is only an estimate. Just because your furnace turns 16 doesnโ€™t mean you immediately need to get it replaced. Likewise, just because your furnace doesnโ€™t reach 16 years doesnโ€™t mean it shouldnโ€™t be replaced, either.

Age can be a reliable indicator, but whether your furnace will meet or exceed its life expectancy depends on how well youโ€™ve taken care of it over the years. Always consider other factors along with age before making a major decision.

Itโ€™s acting like a freeloader

You wouldnโ€™t want to live with someone who takes your money and barely provides anything in return. Your furnace can certainly act like this when itโ€™s in need of replacement, namely through higher heating bills and weaker performance. At that point, youโ€™ll be wondering if your furnace is actually fueled on natural gas and not by burning wads of your cash.

Keeping your furnace efficient with maintenance can certainly help, but that will become an uphill battle if the furnace is truly in need of replacement.

It needs more and more repairs

Itโ€™s a fact of life that your furnace is going to need a few repairs over its total lifespan. But if a lifetimeโ€™s worth of repairs seem to be happening within the last couple years, itโ€™s likely a sign that your furnace is wearing out.

If your furnace needs more than one repair within two years, you should start evaluating total repair costs vs. the cost of replacing the unit. If the cost of repairs has exceeded 50% of the replacement cost, itโ€™s a good sign that replacement is an economical decision.

Is it time to replace your furnace? Youโ€™ve recognized the signs, now let us find out for sure with an inspection. Contact Westland Heating & Air Conditioning to request an estimate.

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