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How Does A Heat Pump Work?

Air Conditioning Services - Westland HVAC + Plumbing

Heat pump technology in Fairview Park makes a viable alternative to more traditional forms of air conditioning. Ohio winters can get very cold, but our summers can be equally bad with heat and humidity rising to very uncomfortable levels. A heat pump combines the functions of an air conditioner and a heater in one, making it easier to keep your home comfortable while using less energy to do so. But how does a heat pump work? Individual models vary, but the basics aren’t all that different from a traditional air conditioner.

At the heart of the system is a closed loop that cycles refrigerant gas in order to cool the air. It begins when the gas passes into a compressor, which heats it up while subjecting it to a great deal of pressure. The gas then enters a series of condenser coils, which bleed off the heat and release it into the outside air. The gas reverts to a liquid state, though it’s still under a great deal of pressure. From there, it moves to an evaporator valve, which releases a set amount of the liquid into the evaporator coils. There, it returns to a gaseous state, pulling heat from the surrounding air in the process. A fan then blows the cooled air into your home through a series of ducts, cooling the household.

Heat pumps utilize this system to cool the air in the summer. Then they simply “reverse” it to warm the air in the winter. The heat released from the condenser coils goes into your home instead of the outside air, while the cool air from the evaporators is released outside your home. Heat pumps tend to be more efficient than traditional air conditioners, though they may need a supplemental heater during the coldest days of the year. That helps lower your monthly energy bills while offsetting the cost of installation.

At Westland Heating and Air Conditioning, our technicians can answer the question “how does a heat pump work?” as well as installing and maintaining a new one for you. In Fairview Park, heat pump systems make a lot of sense. If you’re interested in adding one to your home, give us a call today.

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