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3 Benefits of Geothermal Heating

Geothermal heating is an ingenious method to heat and cool your home. The system involves coils planted below the ground, which circulate a heat-exchanging liquid. Once you get more than a few feet below ground, the temperature never changes, no matter how hot or cool it may be on the surface. That allows the liquid to bleed heat off from your home in the summer or pull heat in from the ground in the winter, providing an all-in-one heater and air conditioner for your Westlake, OH, home. Geothermal heating systems represent a significant up-front investment, since installing it takes money. It also requires a fair-sized property to properly implement. But what do you get in return. Here are 3 benefits of geothermal heating that you should consider.

1. Lower Bills

Because geothermal heat is an infinitely renewable resource, you donโ€™t need to pay much to have your home properly heated and cooled: just a little electricity to run the pumps and the fan motor. The rest of it comes from the earth, which can save you a huge amount in monthly heating and cooling bills. This is an especial benefit for larger house that often require a lot of energy to keep comfortable.

2. Fewer Repairs

Because a geothermal heating and cooling system is largely buried under the ground, itโ€™s not subject to wear and tear the way above ground systems are. Repairs are thus vary infrequent, and when they do occur, they tend to involve minor components in the surface system, such as seals or the fan motor.

3. Eco-Friendly

Geothermal power is environmentally friendly, since it doesnโ€™t consume fossil fuels and gives off no toxic byproducts. Not only does that make your home greener, but it also helps you do your part to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Call Westland Heating and Air for more on geothermal heating and cooling systems.

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