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Discover a complete service experience that spans plumbing repairs, heating solutions, indoor air quality enhancements, and commercial project excellence.

Commercial Refrigeration - Westland HVAC + Plumbing

5 Signs It’s Time for a Water Heater Replacement

Imagine hosting a big event at home. You’ve invited all your friends and family and have a massive spread of food, complete with appetizers, meats and mains, side dishes, beverages, and desserts. A smashing success! But at cleanup time, you sadly discovered you had no hot water. Does this mean a water heater replacement is needed to get the water temperatures up?

indoor air quality

It’s Time to Upgrade From Your Window AC

For years, window air conditioners have been a popular choice for individual room cooling. However, with advancements in technology and the emergence of more efficient cooling solutions, it’s time to consider upgrading from your old window AC.

3 AC Maintenance Tips

By investing in our maintenance services, and doing a few things on your own, you’ll be in great shape for the summer ahead.